Monday, April 27, 2009

Hey Kym


the Sun will come out, on Monday

As Steven, Sammie and I took out regular trip to 7-11 in the morning to buy him gum, we stumbled upon a flier. It was interesting..

After, hung out with Dennis, Nate, Steven, and Sammie. We couldn't figure out what to do and Dennis and Nate we're fighting a lot about it while we drove. It would of been funny if Nate started throwing punches at Dennis. I was kinda waiting for it but it didn't happen :/ We stopped by a McDonald to pick up some iced coffees and the McDonald we went to had lounge chairs. I've never seen anything like it. Sammie and I took pictures on them (:

Then we went outside and Steven comes out with the biggest ice cream. He was eating it and it was getting all over his nose and his chin and his cheek. It was so funny. Then we went to Nate's house and Steven, Nate, and I walked to Alberto's to get super fries. It was so goood. and gigantic. I barely ate it.

Then we stayed in the backyard for a bit. I laid on the grass starring at the sky while the guys were playing with the dogs. It was relaxing. The sky is relaxing. I look up and it and I forget everything and I just stare. I love how blue it is. Then we played Rock Band 2 for about 1 and a half hours and then we went home. Yeahhhhhh

My history teacher came back from his week long trip to Africa and I kept asking him "How was it? Did you see any Africans?" He refused to answer my questions :/ I called him Nixon because he keeps everything a secret. If you don't know, Richard Nixon was known as a secretive guy. Everything he did he kept it under raps and that led to his downfall because he became paranoid thinking that everyone was keeping secrets from him. A.k.a., the Watergate Scandal. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I hate my history teacher.

Jon and Kate had 75 people help in the delivery room as she gave birth to her 6 kids. Just thought that was interesting.

In my anatomy class I found out that there's an epidemic spreading in Mexico City. I forgot what it's called but I know it starts with an S. The culprit: pigs. There have already been 60 people killed from this virus. So, it's not safe to eat or be around pigs right now. Stop now so you can save yourself from death (:

In my Pre-Cal class my friend Zed kept arguing with me on the subject of eating to get satisfied vs. eating to get full. I was saying how it was weird how people eat to get full because I eat to become satisfied. And he was saying how every time he eats, he's only satisfied when he's full. The sub kept coming over to us because we were yelling at each other too loud and we were disrupting the class. After, my friends Eva and Jasmine were making fun of me because I was so quiet part of the period. But that's because I was deep in thought about my texting conversation with one of my friends. We were having a problem :/

After school I hung out with Eva and Rob cause my friend bailed on me. We went to Cue. Our poses were so wack. But it was funny. Then we went to Tapioca Express and I ordered a Japanese BBQ combo which came with Black Tea. I was pretty scared to eat it because they don't specialize in food but it turned out pretty good. The black tea was a little sweet though. It made my stomach hurt.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

ch-ch-ch check it

I've decided I'm not going to UCB. (University of Colorado Blvd. aka.. PCC) Having the SAT prep class today showed me that the SAT's are pretty easy if you're prepared. I use lack of money as an excuse to not even apply and I'm done with that now. I'm prepared for the financial burden. My goal is a UC or Cal State LA. Wherever

After the class we a group of my friends and I hung out at Starbucks. It was so nice. Except we had to walk there. That was a burn. It was a little awkward cause our group consisted of Will, Eva, Jasmine, Diana and I and we've never hung out altogether out of school but we got through it. I wish I had some sort of picture to show for today. Oh well

About to hit up the huge Forever 21 at the Montebello mall. Gonna get some new dresses (:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Blogging is boring now. It was fun when I first started, like last week. Everyone was just making one and now... the only person that blogs really is Josh. Hi Josh
I want something new to read.

Being home along is scary. Once I got home I went straight to my room and I've been sitting on my bed every since. I think I'm gonna bake something before I go on my driving lesson at 5:30. I'm in the mood. and besides, my friend Jack gave me a ride home today and he told me to give him head as a thank you for driving me home.. but I told him I'd give him brownies instead.

I'm done. bye (:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just Blaze

I recently discovered a remix album to a bunch of Maroon 5's hit songs with a hip hop beat in all of them. It was produced by The Cool Kids last year I think. Well the blog I read about it from was posted last December so I'm assuming it was sometime last year. I don't like most of the songs though.. like more than 2/3rds. Here are the ones I do like:

Makes Me Wonder (Just Blaze Remix)
Wake Up Call feat. David Banner
Sunday Morning (Questlove Remix) well.. I'm undecided about this one
Goodnight, Goodnight (Deerhoof Remix)

The album is called Call and Response: The Remix Album if you want to look it up. It's not that great.. yeah
Here take a listen

Today was fun. That's all I have to say about that.

I <3 Hip Hop

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I just found out a lot of people follow me on twitter. I don't even go on. I feel cool.

anywayys, This weekend was better than usual. It's been getting better. I think it's because my dad doesn't check my grades on edline anymore. If he did, the weekend wouldn't have been great at all. My weekend primarily consisted of sleeping, cleaning, and Kaylani. She kept bugging me for stickers but I didn't want to give her any of my asian stickers because they're mine. And I love them. So I gave her the ugly ones. I drew a blue mustache on her face today. And I drew flowers on her feet. She was one tatted up baby.

i learned how to play I'm Yours by Jason Mraz on the ukulele. It was kinda difficult to keep rewinding youtube videos because I was using the ps3 but I got it. And it is amazing. I sound like Jason Mraz himself. What kind of strings are ukuleles supposed to have? Plastic or wire like actual guitars. Mine is plastic but it sounds the same. My dad got it at a Hawaiian store in Las Vegas for like 30$ a while back I think. I hope it's legit :/

School tomorrow. Ughh. Spring break was lame

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We Run LA

I really want a shirt with that logo. It's very tourista but I don't care. Everywhere I travel I'm gonna buy an "I <3 __." I wish I bought one when i went to DC. I bought a "You Don't Know Me" Federal Witness Protection Program shirt at some t-shirt truck instead. It was like a taco truck, but for souvenir shirts. Yesterday when I was walking around Hollywood with whats their faces I saw it. And I really wanted to buy it but i didn't. Because a certain someone kept telling me to buy 5 shirts for 10 dollars so I can wear one to school everyday. Yeah jackass you made me feel stupid. I hate you.

Kym slept over last night and we jailbroke into her itouch. It took so long because I first had to update her itouch to make it 2.2.1 and then I had to download program that actually breaks into the ipod and then I had to download another program that installs Cydia into it so she can get free apps and change the settings and all that jazz. We watched Hot Rod, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, and half of Tropic Thunder as we waited for everything to download. Once it was done I felt so geeky. Like I belonged to an underground secret association of small Japanese people that tap into computers and jailbreak into ipods and all that illegal stuff.

My spring break as been adventurous so far. Not really. I hope today goes good since it's the last real day of my spring break. I go to my dads house tomorrow :/ It's such a kill joy seriously. Once I'm 18 I'm out of there forever. And then I'll party my whole spring break. Or travel to Cancun or something of that rebellious nature. It'll be great.