Sunday, April 19, 2009


I just found out a lot of people follow me on twitter. I don't even go on. I feel cool.

anywayys, This weekend was better than usual. It's been getting better. I think it's because my dad doesn't check my grades on edline anymore. If he did, the weekend wouldn't have been great at all. My weekend primarily consisted of sleeping, cleaning, and Kaylani. She kept bugging me for stickers but I didn't want to give her any of my asian stickers because they're mine. And I love them. So I gave her the ugly ones. I drew a blue mustache on her face today. And I drew flowers on her feet. She was one tatted up baby.

i learned how to play I'm Yours by Jason Mraz on the ukulele. It was kinda difficult to keep rewinding youtube videos because I was using the ps3 but I got it. And it is amazing. I sound like Jason Mraz himself. What kind of strings are ukuleles supposed to have? Plastic or wire like actual guitars. Mine is plastic but it sounds the same. My dad got it at a Hawaiian store in Las Vegas for like 30$ a while back I think. I hope it's legit :/

School tomorrow. Ughh. Spring break was lame

1 comment:

yosh said...

Painting because I need to take more unitssssssss