Wednesday, April 8, 2009

SAT's won't let me be

I was looking at my transcript today and my grades suck. I'm not college material. I don't think it was meant to be. Everyone is always talking about "Oh I'm going to UCI, I'm going to Cal State LA." Yeah that's not me. I know if I tried hard enough, I could pull up my grades and make it to a 4 year. I'm just lazy. There's not point in me taking the SAT's. I'm gonna end up at PCC anyways. I should of just cashed that 120$ check for the prep class and bought clothes. I know it's only the middle of the semester and the grades I have right now don't count for anything, but fuck. I could be doing better. FML. I'm just gonna smoke my life away...
Just kidding

It's funny how CT always gets into a fight within his first week of being on the show. That's pretty hip of him.


kym said...

i'm hip

raise the roof!

yosh said...

you'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

CT always gets booted >_<

so ur gonna end up @ UC pasadena? LOL jk

Veronica said...

everything happens for a reason. it's a cliche but true :] you'll find something.

ashley said...

vo, everytime i think of pcc i think of that song junior college by dumbfoundead