Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today Cafe

I am currently eating McDonald's chicken nuggets with honey mustard and a coke ANNDD watching True Life: I'm Addicted to Porn :/ I'm sitting on the floor with my laundry separated into piles all over my room. It's weird. I feel like a bum.

Today there was a blood drive at my school and everyone was giving blood and getting colored gauze wrapped around their arm.. except me. Because I'm underweight and underage. I really wish I could give blood. I'd love to help save someones life. It'd help me become one step closer to my ultimate goal: to save the world (:


I want to watch it. Hopefully I do tomorrow on my date with the infamous Will. It has a weird plot; it being about two girls who do the clean up after crimes but I still want to see it. Supposedly it's the next Juno.

Sammie just walked into my room to show me her wannabe imitation of my hair style. With her semi wavy hair parted in the middle with two braids connecting in the back. It's basically like LC's but better. Cause it's on me :D

I'm bringing sunflower cupcakes to church Sunday so Steven won't bother me about making them for him anymore. The center of the sunflower is an Oreo and the ladybug is an M&M. Want one?

1 comment:

yosh said...

wow look at you, martha stewart.